

1. What is Github
2. Overview of github
3. Github account creation
4. Difference between git & github
5. Difference with other tools
6. create repo in local machine and push to github
7. Clone existing repos from github
8. Managing tags remotely
9. fetch and pull
10. Workflow
11. Forking Repos
12. pull request
13. Deleting and renaming GitHub Repos

1. gitHub
2. Bitbucket
3. Gitlab

GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers to store and manage their code, 
as well as track and control changes to their code.
@ it is a website to upload repositories online
@ Provides backup remotely

Github account creation
Sign up
Note :- how to create acc, steps are in "github installation folder" in google drive 

Difference between git vs github
1. git is a tool                                            -    github is a website (
2. git is Command line interface(CLI)                       -    github is Graphical user interface(GUI) 
3. we can't view data in bare repo         	           -    but we can view & do all actions in bare repo 
4. bare is bare only here                         	   -    but, bare repo you can convert into non-bare here   
5. here we are creating non-bare by cloning bare repo       -    but, directly we can create/init non-bare                                             
6. local                                           	   -    remotely 
7. we push changes from non-bare to bare repo(central.git) -    we push from non-bare to github remotely 

GitHub PAT:- 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

Difference with other tools(Why GitHub?)
	@ it Provides nice visual interface to repo
	@ makes user collaboration easier
        @ security
        @ 24/7 support
        @ user friendly
        @ flexibility
        @ it provides backup for repo's
        @ microsoft take over

1. create repo in local machine and push to github
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
password:- PAT Token

Note:- to generate PAT token go to settings/developer settings/personal access token/classic/generate newtoken

2. Clone existing repos from github
- clone existing repository from github to your local machine 
    >> git clone

- change some data and add, commit
- git push (or) git push origin master

Managing tags remotely
to create tag
  - git tag tag_name

push tags from local repo to github repo
  - git push origin --tags

to delete tags remotely in github
  - git push origin -d tag_name

to delete tags locally
  - git tag -d tag_name

fetch and pull differences
pull = fetch + merge

fetch :- it just download the changes to local machine but it will not integerate.
merge :- it integrates to local repo of git

	     |		Add	       |	Commit	       |			      |	 	
	     |------------------------>|---------------------->| 			      |  		       			      
	     |----------------Commit -a ---------------------->|	  git push            |
	     |			       |		       |----------------------------->|
	Working Dir		     Index		Commiting Area 		      Remote Repository(GitHub)
	(work space)  	  	   (Staging)	    	    (HEAD)			      | 	
	     |			       |		       |<----------git fetch----------|
	     |<-------------------Merge------------------------|			      |	
	     |			       |		       |			      |	
	     |<--------------------diff HEAD------------------>|			      |

Forking Repos
A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.


Deleting and renaming GitHub Repos
go to repository settings page and rename, delete.

   					            =========THE END=======
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