
Quality mgmt tool / continuous code quality integration
 1. code quality
 2. test quality

 -> code quality:- peer code review (from seniors)
 -> Static Code Review/analysis :- code would review code (code=set of rules)
  note:- all the rules in one tool to give code quality.
         One rule would review code
         set of rules would review code
         tool would review code (all rules goup it together)
 - Rule--->Rules--->Tool--->code
 - Rule + Rules = Tool (which would review code)
- SonarQube is a product of sonarsource developed in java,and it is platform independent.

list of static code analysis tools
FusionReactor APM.
Micro Focus Fortify On Demand.

- Releases:
    1. Community - Free
    2. Developer - Paid
    3. Enterprice - Paid

- Version 9.9 LTS (Long Term Support)

Code Coverage reports nothing but test quality

SonarQube architecture(how sonar works)
1. Source Code
2. SonarQube Scanner
3. SonarQube Server
     i. Rules
     ii. Web Interface
     iii. Data Base

SonarQube Scanner versions
SonarScanner for Gradle
SonarScanner for .NET
SonarScanner for Maven
Jenkins extension for SonarQube
SonarScanner for CMD

Config files
------------ - Server - Scanner - Code

Note:- always clone the code from github, do not download it. if you download it will not to version control.


sonarqube is opensource continuous code quality integration tools with which we can identify code bugs, smells,             Vulnerabilities, quality.

* open source
* it written in java and support varies languages (like C#,java,ruby,php...etc)
* it supports duplicates, unit tests(fails & success)
* code coverage
* code complexity
* bugs
* week code

6. Install sonar scanner plugin in jenkins
7. Manage Jenkins --> Configure System -> SonarQube Servers -> Add SonarQube
   Note:- generate sonarqube token to connect to sonarqube from jenkins.
          Go to --> administration-->security-->user-->geneate 
8. Download -
9. Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configurations -> SonarQube Scanners -> Path of scanner home directory
10.Goto jenkins job -> Add new ->Build ->Add build step ->Execute SonaQube Scanner ->Analysis properties

project properties:- 
# Metadata
 # Give path to src directory of maven project

Sonar in EC2

1. - Refer:-
   - SonarQube server requries at least 2GB of RAM to run efficiently and 1GB of free RAM for the OS
   - Both the SonarQube server and the SonarQube scanners require Java version 11 or 17.
   - free -h
   - sudo yum install wget unzip -y 

2. java 11 and above is the pre-req for sonarqube server
    - install Java(openJdk)
    - /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
     Note:- it'll show you how many java versions are installed in your machine and you can select which one want to use.
    - yum install java-17-openjdk-devel -y
    - java and javac (Java Compiler)
    - java -version
    - which java
    - whereis java
    - ls -l /usr/bin/java
    - ls -l /etc/alternatives/java
    - java path --->> /usr/lib/jvm/jre-17-openjdk-
    - yum list installed | grep java
    - JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-

Steps To Install:

1. Download sonarqube server software, and unzip it
    mv sonarqube-9.9.0

2. changing the ownship, group and permissions to sonarqube-9.9.0
   chown -R vmtutes:vmtutes sonarqube-9.9.0
   chmod -R 775 sonarqube-9.9.0

3. as a good security pratice, sonarqube server is not advised to run sonar server as a root user.
 - create Normal-user
     # useradd VmTutes
 - Generate Password for vmtutes
     # passwd VmTutes
 - add VmTutes user in "visudo" (or) /etc/sudoers file for sudo permissions
     # vmtutes ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
 - Enable "PasswordAuthentication yes" in vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config  file.
 - Restart the "sshd" service
     # systemctl restart sshd

4. start sonar
   ->  su - vmtutes
   ->  cd sonarqube-9.9.0/bin/linux-x86-64
   ->  ./ start
   ->  ./ status (confirmation)

Default UserName: admin
Default Password: admin
Changed Password: root123

 Note:- Default SonarQube runs on port "9000"
 Note:- we can change the default port-->> Goto-> /home/vmtutes/sonarqube-9.9.0/conf/
    	    - search in conf file with :\sonar.web
    	    - and uncomment #sonar.web.port=9091 

Note:- administration--->> securitys-->> user-->> generate token

sonar server is not starting?
   > check whether java is installed or not by using java -version
   > make sure you changed the ownship and group to /opt/sonarqube-9.2.0 for sonar user.
   > make sure you trying to start sonar service with sonar user.

unable to access sonarqube server URL in browser?
   > make sure the port 9000 is opened in security group in aws ec2 instance.

   >	" WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered an error running main: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SonarQube requires Java 11+ to run
	jvm 1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException: SonarQube requires Java 11+ to run "
        Go to--->>  A:\TekTeacher\Softwares\DevOps\sonarqube-\conf/wrapper.conf
	and change --->>\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.1\bin\java

mvn clean verify sonar:sonar \
  -Dsonar.projectKey=mvn-project \ \

console overview
project:- pass project name
issues:- once the build is completed, all the issues will appear here. usually developers will come here once their code analysis is          done. and they try to fix the errors.
Rules:- pre-defined set of rules which is used to set the quality profiles. 
Quality Profiles:- collection/set of rules
Quality Gates:-  it will check whether the code quality is reaching threshold value
Administrator:- here you cna manage users and deleting account...etc